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Chapter 1. Comprehensive Guide to Affiliate Marketing for Businesses

As the digital marketing landscape evolves, businesses are turning to innovative methods to maximize  their reach and customer acquisition. Among these methods, referral and affiliate marketing programs have proven to be powerful strategies. While both have their unique characteristics and benefits, this article focuses primarily on the latter - affiliate marketing. We will uncover the ins and outs of an affiliate marketing program, exploring it from the perspective of both merchants and affiliates.

This article serves as a comprehensive guide to implementing and managing an effective affiliate marketing program, particularly for SaaS businesses. However, many of the concepts and strategies discussed are applicable across a range of industries.

In this summary guide, we’ll cover: 

Referral Program vs Affiliate Program – What’s the Difference? 

Customer referral programs are used to thank existing customers for promoting their brand. These programs typically offer rewards, whether that be account credits, gift cards, or other tangible perks, thereby incentivizing customers to continue their loyalty. The primary goal of these programs is to engage and motivate your existing customer base.

In contrast, affiliate marketing programs operate on a more extensive scale. They don't limit themselves to existing customers; they welcome  a diverse range of partners to  advocate for your product or service, even if they aren't direct consumers. Sometimes, these two program types may overlap and merge into one, transforming a customer referral program into a structure resembling more of an affiliate program.

In our guides, we will be focusing solely on affiliate marketing. To better understand this model, let's examine it from the perspective of both the merchant and affiliate.


In the context of affiliate marketing, a merchant is a business that offers products or services, typically rewarding affiliates with commissions for client referrals. These merchants can be found in diverse industries like AI, e-commerce, online courses, travel, financial services, web hosting, health and wellness, beauty and fashion, as well as Software as a Service (SaaS) companies.


An affiliate is an individual or a business that refers customers to merchants, securing a commission in return. Affiliates often cultivate a sizable following or readership, usually as owners of blogs, operators of email newsletters, YouTube influencers, or Instagram personalities. Affiliate programs thus provide a money-making opportunity for these individuals to monetize their audience, without the need to spend time and resources creating a product or service themselves.

Affiliate Programs

In the affiliate marketing world, affiliates earn their commission by referring clients who complete a purchase of the merchant's product or service. The absence of a sale results in no commission for the affiliate. This pay-for-performance model suits merchants looking to amplify sales without incurring significant upfront costs, such as the risk of investing in Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ads with no guaranteed returns.

But how do merchants know when they need to pay out a commission?

Merchants typically leverage affiliate tracking systems, like Rewardful, that link to their payment systems, such as Stripe. These systems generate unique referral links that can be used by affiliates. When a customer clicks on these links and subsequently makes a purchase, the sale and the corresponding commission are tracked and assigned to the affiliate. As a result, by the end of the month, it becomes clear which affiliates are due a commission and how much.

Managing Expectations in Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing, especially in the SaaS industry, is an effective way to increase  business reach and enhance customer acquisition. However, it's essential to recognize that affiliate marketing isn't a hands-off solution—it requires the same degree of strategic planning and optimization as other marketing channels. In some cases, even more! 

Affiliates can drive potential customers to your business, but the effectiveness of converting this traffic ultimately depends on your product's appeal and the efficiency of your conversion funnel. Additionally, businesses should expect that a small percentage of affiliates will drive the majority of their affiliate marketing success. 

Learn more about managing expectations in affiliate marketing in this guide.

Is Affiliate Marketing Right for Your Business? 

For a business to successfully implement affiliate marketing, particularly in the SaaS industry, it's crucial to ensure alignment with its unique business model and product appeal. Effective, independent sales strategies, low churn rates, and a suitable business structure are prerequisites for maximizing the benefits of affiliate marketing. 

While it may be challenging to manage an affiliate program and balance the associated costs, the potential for increased reach, lead generation, customer acquisition, and brand awareness often makes it a worthwhile investment.

How to Define Your Ideal Affiliate Profile

Defining the ideal affiliate profile begins with a thorough understanding of the product to craft effective outreach messages and promotional tools. Customer advocacy can also be a powerful driver of trust and conversions. Relevant, engaged, and authentic audiences are pivotal in choosing affiliates, with the strength of influence often outranking audience size. 

Setting clear success metrics aligned with business goals helps track the affiliate program's progress and identify areas for improvement. While filtering potential affiliates can streamline program management, it's also crucial not to overlook surprising performers. Once the ideal affiliate profile is established, potential affiliates can be sourced from various channels like blogs, social media, or the existing customer base. Personalized proposals foster communication and facilitate mutual growth.

Find more tips on how to define your ideal affiliate profile here.

How to Compensate Affiliates

Merchants  control their commission rates, which can be either flat fees for each fulfilled requirement (usually a sale) or recurring percentages from sales of products or services. The more generous the merchant, the higher the likelihood of an affiliate promoting their products.

Ultimately, the commission rate depends on the type of product or service the merchant offers and their profit margins. For instance, SaaS merchants who often enjoy healthier margins, typically offer around 20-30% commission on subscriptions. Conversely, e-commerce companies faced with thinner margins, usually provide lower commission rates.

The decision to offer one-time or recurring commissions lies with the merchant and is influenced by the nature of the product. Single-purchase products, like those from e-commerce, usually offer one-time commissions. In contrast, subscription-based services like SaaS might offer a mix of one-time and recurring commissions.

Merchants who prefer recurring commissions likely aim to encourage affiliates to continually promote their subscription-based services, ensuring a steady stream of customers and revenue over time. Those offering one-time commissions might prioritize acquiring new customers and immediate sales. In the end, the choice of commission structure is a strategic move by the merchant, guided by their unique needs and objectives.

Read more tips on how to compensate affiliates in this guide.

How to Recruit Affiliates for Your Affiliate Program

Recruiting affiliates is a crucial task involving both passive and active strategies. Passive methods draw on existing resources, such as promoting the program on your website, emailing newsletter subscribers, creating a dedicated landing page, and listing the program in affiliate directories to increase visibility.

Active tactics involve a more direct approach, often reaching out to potential affiliates through personalized messages, integrating SEO strategies to identify potential affiliates, and researching affiliates promoting similar products or services from competitors. Despite the initial challenges, the compounded benefits of a well-structured affiliate network significantly contribute to business growth. Balancing recruitment strategies, learning from experiences, and adapting to changes ensures an ever-evolving and productive affiliate program.

How to Onboard and Activate Your Affiliates

Ensuring affiliate success in a SaaS business requires a comprehensive onboarding process. This includes educating the affiliates about the product, providing promotional resources, and communicating regularly. An effective onboarding process begins with an easy sign-up and progresses to have a dedicated email cadence that delivers vital information to the affiliates, setting them up for success.

Taking it a step further, successful businesses also focus on activating dormant affiliates and maintaining an ongoing dialogue. This is maintained by personalized approaches, celebrating affiliate successes, and launching co-marketing campaigns. These strategic measures not only reinforce the importance of the affiliates but also motivate them to actively promote the products, ultimately driving the success of the SaaS business.

Onboard and activate your affiliates more efficiently with these tips.

How to Manage and Grow Your Affiliate Program

Affiliate marketing demands ongoing management, clear communication, and continuous engagement with affiliates. Successful strategies include:

  • Providing up-to-date promotional assets, 
  • Educating affiliates on product promotion, 
  • Sharing product and business updates, 
  • Recognizing affiliate achievements, 
  • Allowing affiliates to beta test products. 

Constant recruitment and reactivation of affiliates, coupled with a competitive commission structure, ensure the vitality of the program.

Additionally, clear terms and conditions, accurate and timely payments, and constant fraud monitoring are crucial factors in maintaining the program's success and profitability. Ultimately, the success of a business is intricately linked with the development and success of its affiliates.

Find more strategies in our guide on how to grow your affiliate program.

How to Run Co-Marketing Activities with Affiliates

Co-marketing with affiliates is a critical strategy for SaaS businesses. Understanding the type of traffic affiliates bring, and then tailoring approaches accordingly, can increase conversion efficiency. Tactics such as co-hosted webinars, time-sensitive promotions, and co-created lead magnets extend a brand's reach and influence. 

Additionally, incorporating affiliates into varied content types, engaging in social media campaigns, email marketing, and utilizing partner directories can further enhance visibility and customer engagement.

You can read the full guide on co-marketing activities with affiliates here.

How to Detect and Prevent Affiliate Fraud

Affiliate marketing programs in SaaS companies can, unfortunately, incentivize fraudulent behaviors. Common fraudulent actions include affiliates bidding on the company's brand terms on Google, usage of stolen credit cards, self-referrals, leaking of coupon codes, and promoting links alongside objectionable content. To mitigate these risks, clear regulations need to be established in the Terms and Conditions documents, and continuous monitoring of referrals should be conducted.

Moreover, there are a lot of tools on the market that can help identify violations and credit card fraud in real-time. If any suspicious behavior or violation is detected, the affiliate's referral should be suspended and, if necessary, their account should be banned. Regular review of affiliate program performance and prompt response to red flags are key to maintaining the integrity of the affiliate program.

Read more about how to detect and prevent affiliate fraud here.


Affiliate marketing presents an exciting opportunity for businesses to amplify their reach, lead generation, and customer acquisition. It extends beyond just setting up a program and awaiting results; it involves meticulously managing affiliates, optimally compensating them, and continually evolving your strategies.

While fraudulent activities can threaten the integrity of affiliate marketing programs, with vigilant monitoring and appropriate preventive measures, businesses can successfully navigate these challenges.

As businesses recruit affiliates and continuously adapt their strategies, the pyramid of success in affiliate marketing becomes clearer and more achievable. At its heart, the success of a business via affiliate marketing lies in a win-win relationship between the business and its affiliates, with each propelling the other toward mutual growth and profitability.

Want to get more tips on how to build and grow a fruitful affiliate program for AI businesses?

Sign up for our FREE affiliate marketing course.