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New feature
Jun 26, 2024
Coupon Code Tracking

Our Product team has released one of the most requested features: coupon code tracking.  🎉🎉🎉

Link-based tracking works great, but it’s not always an option. While more consumers get information from videos, podcasts, and social media, the problem is these channels do not support links as effectively as websites and blogs. For such cases, shareable coupon codes are needed to track referrals, as they can be easily used and shared across these platforms where links are less practical.

With coupon code tracking, you’ll be able to:

  • Increase Customer Engagement: coupon codes trigger an emotional response by creating urgency and a feeling of exclusivity. This makes discounts more tempting and likely to attract new customers.
  • Enhanced Attribution and Shareability: coupon codes can be easily shared across various mediums like video and audio. They allow affiliates to attribute sales directly at checkout without needing web visits or browser cookies.

To generate promo codes for your affiliates, navigate to the campaign settings and create a coupon.

New feature
Mar 6, 2024
Make Paying Your Affiliates a Breeze with One-Click PayPal Payouts

We're excited to introduce our newest feature: one-click PayPal payouts. This new feature makes managing your affiliate payouts easier than ever. No more manual transactions – streamline your processes and save time and effort.

Key Benefits:

  • Faster Payouts: Simplify affiliate payouts directly from your Rewardful dashboard. No more tedious manual transactions or extra clicks.
  • Time-Saving Convenience: Spend less time on administrative tasks and more time growing your business. Our one-click PayPal payouts feature frees you up to focus on what matters most.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Seamlessly manage your payouts with just a few clicks. Whether you're paying one affiliate or multiple, our intuitive interface makes the process smooth and efficient.

Upgrade to Enterprise for Access:

One-click payouts for PayPal are available exclusively to subscribers on our Enterprise plans. If you're currently on a Growth or Starter plan and interested in unlocking this powerful feature, upgrading is easy. Visit our pricing page to explore your options.

Getting Started:

Before diving in, ensure that your PayPal account meets the necessary requirements for sending out mass payouts. Follow our step-by-step guide in our comprehensive help article to set up and enable the payouts feature for your account.

Rewardful's one-click PayPal payouts feature is available to simplify your affiliate program management and drive growth.

New feature
Jun 7, 2023
Combat Self-Referral Fraud

We are excited to announce the release of two powerful additions to your company settings, specifically developed to address self-referral fraud in your affiliate program.

Here's what you can do now:

  • Enable or disable self-referral emails: Take control of your communication by deciding whether to allow or block self-referral emails, ensuring transparency and authenticity in your program.
  • Automatically deactivate suspected self-referrals: We've implemented an intelligent mechanism that automatically identifies and deactivates suspected self-referrals, preventing them from generating undeserved commissions.

To take advantage of these new features, simply navigate to your Company settings form and make the necessary updates today. 

New feature
May 10, 2023
Introducing Team Management

With our new Team Management feature, you can now invite and seamlessly manage team members within your affiliate program. Take your collaboration to the next level and have complete control over user access and permissions.

Key highlights of Team Management:

  • Invite and onboard new team members to assist in managing your affiliate program efficiently.
  • Easily manage access levels and permissions for existing users, ensuring the right people have the right privileges.

Access the Team Management feature by clicking on the "Team management" option in the convenient drop-down menu located at the top of your dashboard.

To learn more about the extensive capabilities of this update, refer to our comprehensive help article on Managing User Accounts.

Rewardful's Team Management empowers you to streamline collaboration and maintain a secure environment for your affiliate program. Upgrade your experience today!

Apr 13, 2023
API Endpoints for Campaigns

Now something for the tinkerers and hackers out there: we’ve added the ability to manage your Rewardful campaigns using our RESTful API.

  • Fetch detailed information about a single campaign or all of them
  • Create new campaigns or update the ones you’ve already got

In combination with our other API endpoints for managing affiliates and links, this opens up a whole range of fresh possibilities.

Check out the complete details in our developer docs, and happy coding!