Uplisting Earns $700k in Referral Sales with Rewardful

About Uplisting

Uplisting is an all-in-one vacation rental software and channel management system. The platform’s purpose is to empower short-term rental entrepreneurs to scale their businesses through technology tools and partnerships.

With Uplisting's functionality, property owners and managers can effectively manage bookings across major platforms like Airbnb, Vrbo, Booking.com, and more. The tool’s functionality includes automating guest messaging and reviews, cleaning scheduling, setting up security deposits, and guest identity verification.

Why do customers opt for Uplisting? What sets the company apart from the competition is its  transparent flat-fee pricing structure. It also offers reliability, an impressive direct booking engine, and a rapidly expanding solution that introduces valuable features weekly.

The Challenge

The short-term rental market is known for its fiercely competitive landscape. Hosts and property managers often rely on word-of-mouth referrals and networking to expand their businesses. In this close-knit community, attendees of industry events, boot camps, and networking sessions frequently refer clients to one another, and Uplisting noticed that. It soon became clear that their most satisfied customers were the best evangelists – often driving new business through referrals.

However, this presented a unique challenge. While Uplisting was benefiting from this organic referral traffic, they realized there was no efficient system in place to reward these valuable referrals. This became a pain point for Uplisting in several ways:

  • Unrewarded referrals: satisfied customers who referred Uplisting to others weren't receiving any compensation for their efforts.
  • Lack of tracking: there was no systematic way to track and manage these referrals, making it challenging to quantify their impact.
  • Missed opportunities: Uplisting recognized the potential for substantial growth if they could harness this referral traffic more effectively.

The Solution: Embracing the Rewardful App for Stripe

To address these challenges and unlock the full potential of their satisfied customer base, Uplisting found a solution: Rewardful. They discovered Rewardful through the Stripe app marketplace

Rewardful, a user referral and affiliate platform, offered precisely what Uplisting was looking for. This included integration with Stripe, without the need for complex coding. Additionally, Rewardful provided a user-friendly interface that streamlined the administration of Uplisting's referral program, requiring minimal manpower, time, and effort. Furthermore, the platform's monthly payout feature kept partners motivated and engaged, ultimately resulting in a higher conversion rate.


Uplisting's partnership with Rewardful yielded impressive results:

  • Over four years of collaboration, Uplisting generated approximately $700,000 in sales through Rewardful. This highlights the significant impact of their referral program.
  • The efficiency gained from Rewardful reduced the commission payment process from two days to just a few hours, allowing Uplisting to focus more on their core business operations.
  • The implementation of Rewardful's self-referral fraud feature further enhanced Uplisting's program security. This saved them money and helped  maintain a strong relationship with partners.

In conclusion, Uplisting's journey with Rewardful demonstrates how the right solution can transform a business's referral program. By recognizing the power of referrals and leveraging Rewardful's user-friendly platform, Uplisting rewarded their evangelists, and achieved substantial growth in a highly competitive market. 

The Stripe Apps platform unlocks a lot of exciting possibilities with Rewardful. We encourage everyone to install Rewardful, so you’ll automatically receive feature updates as we release them.

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    New York, USA

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